by Amy Nyman | Feb 18, 2018
Drought tolerant, sun-loving native plants replace a patchy lawn between the house and garage. Plants include: inkberry and winterberry hollies, prairie dropseed, June grass, ivory sedge, bluets, hairy beardtongue, stiff aster, and bird’s foot violet, three-toothed cinquefoil, bearberry, wild bleeding heart, nodding onion, heath aster “Snow Flurry”, threadleaf blue star, yarrow, blue false indigo, blue salvia, tall larkspur, New Jersey tea, wild quinine, Eastern bee balm, and wild bee balm. Carlisle, MA
Before, Image 1
Before, Image 2
Before, Image 3
Final design
Bluestone path with drought tolerant native plants, 2 months after installation.
Dicentra eximia – more sun-loving than you’d expect..
Bluestone Path
Symphyotrichum ericoides “Snow Flurry” – small, but blooming happily.
by Amy Nyman | Feb 18, 2017
A project developed through COGdesign and Friends of Egleston Square Branch Library of the Boston Public Library, partnered with Amy Wolfson. The original design was created by the Olmsted Firm in the early 1900’s, but most of the original design was lost to the passage of time. The Friends wanted a design with a large percentage of edible and native plants, space for community food education and event gathering, and a visually appealing streetscape. They also wanted the design to reflect Olmsted’s original design values and the Boston Public Library’s sustainable and green initiatives.
Final Design
Revised Front with Existing Infrastructure
by Amy Nyman | Feb 18, 2017
A wooded lot, primarily of mature oak and white pine, gets a facelift with a variety of woodland native plants. The focus was to provide diversity of blooms and seasonal interest that reflect New England’s woodland character. Functional features of the design included an extended back walkway to connect the patio with the driveway, storage area around the shed with new gardens, replacement of brick with bluestone in the front walkway, fire pit, woodland path, and areas for future chickens and vegetable garden extension.

Sudbury Redesign
by Amy Nyman | Feb 18, 2017

Newton Redesign
by Amy Nyman | Feb 18, 2017